Wednesday, 18 May 2011

All Hail, Alesela


When thirsty West of Scotland drinkers cleared the Foreign Legion international beer bar at this year's Paisley Beer Festival a full day before the festival finished, a certain crisis was averted when a new beer Knight in shining armour stepped into the breach to save the day with a much needed delivery of bottles from Flying Dog, Great Divide, Odell and Victory.

The Knight in question was new Scottish based beer webshop, Alesela. It has only been up and running since the start of May but it looks as if it with be a great source for hard to get bottles from some of Scotland's independent microbreweries.

It not only offers a range of beers from breweries such as Tryst, Kelburn, Oban Bay, Ayr, Sulwath, Williams Bros, Islay, Isle of Mull and Madcap but also promises interesting beers from further afield as well as one off guest bottled beers.

It looks good and I wish Alesela all the very best in their new venture of bringing quality (apart from Innis and Gunn) Scottish beers to a wider audience.



  1. Wow, you really do have excellent taste in Beer Purveyors! ;)

  2. @susan

    thanks very much.
    I take it you are connected to alesela?

    it's looking good. it's good to get some nice scottish brewers and beers available in the one place. Being able to buy by the bottle is good too.
    Any chance of getting some Fyne ales, Black Isle? also, Tempest brewery is a really exciting new brewery. they haven't bottled any of their beers yet but I'm very much looking forward to tasting some of them when they do.

  3. I am indeed 'connected' :-) - have just sent you an e-mail addressing some of your questions.

  4. @susan

    email received and replied to. :-)

  5. After blogging this last night, I ordered some beers around 10 pm from alesela. I came home from work today to find the beers waiting for me.
    Wow. That is fantastic service.
    By comparison, I ordered some beers nearly a month ago from a well known Scottish brewery that sounds nothing like spewdog.
    Guess What (or should that be Watt)?

    They still haven't arrived.

  6. Thanks for the comments beermonkey, hopefully we will be bottling in the not so distant future with some very exciting specials to look out for.


    Allan (TempestBrewery)
